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Interests: Active Galactic Nuclei, Stellar Populations and Star Formation, Galactic Dynamics, Galaxy Evolution




Research Group at UFSM​

  1. Astor Joao Schonell Junior (Sabbatical Visitor) -  CV - Professor at IFFarr - Brazil

  2. Kelly F. Heckler (PhD: 2020+; M.S.: 2020) - CV -  Ionized and neutral gas outflows in LLAGs

  3. Gabriel Luan Souza de Oliveira (PhD: 2022+; BsC: 2022) - CV - JWST observations of nearby active galaxies

  4. José Henrique Costa Pinto Souza (PhD: 2022+) - CV - Molecular and ionized outflows in nearby AGN observed with JWST and optical IFUs

  5. Claudia M. Cassanta (PhD: 2023+; M.S.: 2023; BsC: 2020) - CV - On the source of OH Megamaser Galaxies

  6. Lucas Ramos Vieira (PhD: 2024+) - CV - Optical counterpart of H2 emitter galaxies

  7. Clara Rosin Gomes (M.S.: 2023+) - CV - Molecular and Ionized AGN driven winds

  8. Iasmin P. Castegnaro (UG: 2021+) - CV -  Gas kinematics and excitation in LINERs

  9. Willian Costa de Paula (UG: 2021+) - CV - Outflows in Nearby Quasars

  10. Maitê Silvana de Zorzi de Mellos (UG: 2024+) - CV - Gas kinematics of ULIRGs

  11. Arthur Meurer Schmidt (High School: 2023+) - A Python Tool for Reconstructing Hubble's Law

  12. Theo Stuker Spitzmacher (High School: 2023+) - Infrared images of powerful AGN hosts


Previous Graduate Students and Post-Docs

  1. Gabriele da Silva Ilha (PhD: 2023; M.S.: 2018; BsC:2016)- Post-doc at IAG/USP

  2. Marina Bianchin (PhD: 2022; M.S.: 2018; BsC: 2015) - Post-doc at UCI-USA

  3. Johan Marques (M.S.: 2021; BsC: 2018)

  4. Alice Deconto Machado (M.S.: 2019; BsC: 2017) - PhD Student at IAA-Spain

  5. Carine Brum (PhD: 2019 ; M.S.: 2015 ; BsC: 2013) - Working outside of academia

  6. Moire G. Hennig (PhD: 2018; M.S.: 2014) - Working at SEDUC/RS

  7. Hekatelyne P. Carpes (PhD: 2018) - Professor at UTEC/Uruguay

  8. Izabel C. Freitas dos Santos (PhD: 2017) - Professor at Colegio Politecnico/UFSM

  9. Marlon R. Diniz (Post-doc: 2017-2019; PhD: 2017; M.S.: 2013; BsC: 2010)

  10. Eliade Ferreira Lima (Post-doc: 2014-2015) - Professor at UNIPAMPA

  11. Astor Joao Schonell Junior (M.S.: 2013) - Professor at IFFarr


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